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Watch Out, Wildlife About!

Updated: Jun 20, 2024

Bribie Island residents are fortunate to have nature on our doorstep, but that also means nature is often on our roadside – with tragic consequences for our wildlife.

Shorter days, drier weather and competition for their place in the mob means we are now in the time of year when kangaroos, wallabies and cars start coming together in increasing numbers.

With the help of local wildlife responders, BIEPA has prepared a hotspot map designed to keep nature front of mind for residents, workers, and visitors. While attempts have been made by council to mitigate wildlife incidents through some awareness signage on some roads, the deaths and injuries continue.

While wildlife can appear anywhere, anytime, the hotspot map reflects roads with the highest volumes of call-outs to wildlife incidents over recent years.


The cost of the wildlife road toll is not only born by our wildlife. There is the cost of rescue and care that’s largely born by individual volunteers, supplemented by donations from the community, and through grant funding to rescue organisations. All car owners take a hit through their insurance premiums too, with wildlife incidents around the country the focus of research into insurance claims published in a recent article from 9 News. NEW IDEAS In an effort to find innovative answers to this old question, Sunshine Coast Regional Council and University of the Sunshine Coast held a 6-month study of new acoustic technology alerting drivers to the real-time presence of kangaroos, while at the same time modifying the unpredictable flight response of macropods that are often spooked by approaching vehicles. The trial has led to the installation of virtual fencing on a number of suitable sites in the Sunshine Coast region, as part of that Council's Sunshine Coast macropod conservation plan.

When previously asked about trialling similar technology, City of Moreton Bay has told BIEPA they want to see results of trials in other jurisdictions before even trialling similar methods here. BIEPA believe that a more active approach from council to reducing wildlife deaths in their “Bribie Island sanctuary” is required.


Left with a lack of progress on any new mitigation techniques, no appetite from authorities to reduce speed limits, and no changes to council's roadside planting regimes (that would improve visibility and discourage browsing) at present there is no substitute for individual driver responsibility – slower speed, and extra vigilance.

  • Reduce speed in kangaroo and wallaby hotspots

  • Be hyper-vigilant, especially 2 hours after dark, and before dawn

  • In the tragic case of an accident, it’s vital for drivers to call Bribie Island's local Wildlife Rescue Queensland Hotline at any time 24/7, so a responder can attend and assess the animal, including checking for young that may still be alive in the pouch.

  • Call the WRQ Hotline 0478 901 801

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