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Have your say on the Bribie Bridge

Updated: Feb 26, 2024

What's happening?

Transport and Main Roads (TMR) have released the concept design for a new Bribie Bridge and are asking for your feedback. Your feedback will be analysed by TMR and used to inform the final detailed bridge design and business case.

Bridge Consultation closes at 9am on 11th March 2024

BIEPA's position

A new bridge and transport system must support our natural habitat and our laid-back Bribie lifestyle. BIEPA rejects the proposed TMR active transport PATH design shared by all users (see orange arrow on the TMR concept below) as totally inadequate and unsafe.

New bridge design highlighting narrow path for active transport
TMR bridge design concept

We are strongly advocating for the following:

  • Either the old bridge converted to an active transport Green Bridge, OR an Active Transport Corridor built on the northern side of the new bridge. The latter corridor needs to be separated from traffic, with pedestrians separated from bike riders and other wheeled users, with seating and shade provided along the corridor.

  • A Green Bridge or Active Transport Corridor to continue westbound to meet up with Caboolture Rail Trail as Bribie Island Road is upgraded to 4 lanes from the highway.

  • A Green Bridge or Active Transport Corridor to continue Eastbound on to the Island to link up with integrated connected corridors around the island (local government responsibility).

  • A Green Bridge or an Active Transport Corridor supports the protection of our natural environment, healthy active lifestyles and wellbeing, the Bribie way of life, and sustainable nature-based tourism with economic opportunities.

New bridge next to old bridge now used by cyclists, walkers, mobility devices
Artists impression of Green Bridge option - Moreton Daily

Bridge Aesthetics

TMR is proposing a stark new two-lane no frills bridge structure, designed to funnel cars onto the island with other transport options pushed to one side.

The bridge is an important part of the visual experience of coming home, or welcoming visitors to Bribie. BIEPA is advocating for a bridge that does aesthetic justice to the beauty of our island and has viewing areas and entry statement landscaping and signage.

It's interesting to read the design guidelines used for bridges in NSW.

Park and Ride Facilities

Park and Ride facilities are intrinsic to the bridge proposal because of the anticipated large increases in traffic. The Park and Ride must form part of the infrastructure which offers an alternative to car travel for tourists to Bribie. It would integrate with public transport e.g. on demand buses and ferries and active transport.

It needs to be off-island, multi-story, and located on Bribie Island Road, in place as that road is upgraded and before the new bridge is built.


Timing is crucial. The new bridge should not be built until transport infrastructure on the

island is planned and in place (responsibility of Moreton Bay Regional Council) We need a

vision for Bribie Island to include this plan.

This vision must be worked out by our community in collaboration with business partners

and Moreton Bay Regional Council in particular. More on the this in a future article.

How to have your say

You can complete the online feedback form (5000 characters allowed), or meet with project officers in person, as well as the following options...

Online Feedback

Important: You must have a TMR account and login to complete the feedback online.

Submit online feedback before 9am on 11th March 2024

Consultation Sessions

These are now closed

There are opportunities to meet and discuss this project with the TMR project officers who are holding several face-to-face public consultation sessions.





Sun 18 Feb 2024

10am - 2pm

Sylvan Beach Esplanade, Bellara - next to Bribie Island bridge

None required

Thu 22 Feb 2024

10am - 2:45pm

Bribie Island RSL Club, 99 Toorbul Street, Bongaree

Register online at Eventbrite or call 1800 783 016

Sun 25 Feb 2024

10am - 2pm

Jetty, Bongaree

None required

Letterbox Drop

According to TMR project officers, a letterbox drop will occur mid-February containing a

newsletter with reply paid envelope to give your feedback (number of letters to be distributed unknown).

Contact TMR

Have more questions or want to learn more about this project?

TMR can be contacted by:

Feedback to our local politicians

Give feedback directly to our local politicians and candidates contesting our Local and State Government elections this year.

Why have your say

There are many reasons to speak up now about a proposed new bridge and transport for the future.

For example:

  • As the only sand island with a bridge in Queensland, our beaches will continue to be the most popular go to destination in Moreton Bay City for day trippers and holiday makers.

  • The City of Moreton Bay is projected to experience a population growth from 500,000 to 800,000 by 2041, with most of this growth in our backyard.

  • A continuous 4-lane highway from Caboolture to Bribie Island flora and fauna sanctuary is under staged construction, which will feed into a new 4-lane Bribie Bridge.

  • Many new housing estates are under development such as the West Caboolture development with an expected 70,000 new people in this development alone.

Bridge Consultation closes at 9am on 11th March 2024

Join our Facebook group Better Bribie Transport to share your thoughts and keep up to date with our community engagement campaign. Invite your friends too!

We have one very powerful weapon as a community: a Big Community Voice!

Make it loud. Make it clear. Numbers matter!!

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