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Growth Pains!

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

BIEPA is growing, and engaging with the entire Bribie Island community.

Kindergarten kids on a bushwalk
Bribie Kindy kids enjoying our wallum wildflower walk

We need your help. Our public meetings, daily interactions with scores of members, and feedback from the wider community gives us confidence that we are achieving recogniseable progress. The Management Committee wants to test the temperature of members' support for our direction.

Please read this and respond by hitting the like (heart) below if you agree with the general message. Login to this website to post comments.

As BIEPA grows we are experiencing the exhilaration of successful public events, the expansion of active on-ground projects, and a broadening reputation and recognition of our Bribie Island community's commitment to protecting the environment.

Just a few of our recent highlights:

  • Partner creation of Bribie Island Nature Festival

  • Jubilee Planting at Ernest Sendall Park

  • Challenge to inappropriate development

  • Migratory shorebirds awareness raising

  • Wallum Walks

  • Dugong Symposium

  • Bioblitz nature recording

BIEPA's power is in its teams, collaboration and the development of great projects fuelled by cooperative, collective volunteer input. It is therefore necessary as we grow to make sure all BIEPA members operate in line with our Code of Conduct to ensure the Committee and teams are not swamped by unhelpful, vexatious demands. This ensures proper inclusion, respect and valuing of each other's contributions. No single identity should override this collective approach, as we are more powerful together.

The BIEPA Committee has been pleased to receive recognition from many quarters, and from many members for its efforts and achievements. We feel very optimistic about our direction. However, as with all organisations, criticisms are inevitable, and these can also, of course, be helpful. The Committee welcomes members' constructive suggestions in line with our agreed objectives and made in the context of our organisation's Code of Conduct.

It is impossible to please all the people all the time, but as members realise a great deal of effort is being made by dozens of excellent volunteers to make our operations and outcomes as successful as possible. The Committee constantly focuses on improving governance, and we are fortunate to have dynamic, experienced, well-meaning, capable people doing their best. It is important for all our teams, including our management team that we can be confident that we are broadly supported by members.

For this reason, please demonstrate your support for our efforts by hitting the ♡ heart button below, indicating that you like this article, and commend BIEPA's growth and direction.

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Unknown member
Oct 30, 2023

I commend all the BIEPA teams for the fine work they are achieving individually and collectively but most especially I commend the Management team for their "out of the box", creative approach that is breathing life and innovative change for the better. In the 2 years since I joined BIEPA, I have witnessed amazing growth in not only member numbers but also in active engagement in exciting projects that truly support our local fauna and flora. My heartfelt thanks go to our management team for their dedicated leadership. I am very proud to call myself a BIEPA member!

Unknown member
Oct 31, 2023
Replying to

Thanks Brenda, you have also contributed generously, and we appreciate your regular involvement.


Unknown member
Oct 30, 2023

If you think of a tree you could call this blog Growth Rings - all growth involves some pain as the old is replaced by the new. BIEPA's growth is happening in all directions and is exciting and challenging.


Unknown member
Oct 30, 2023

An innovation that is taking a while for people to appreciate the essence of, is the focus on semi-independent Teams now.

In past years the vast majority of activism and focus of projects went only via Management. The complete focus on team's autonomy has lead to a blossoming of novel environmental actions authorised by Management, but not dependent on Management.

This DOES take some getting used to for those too attached to the past.


Unknown member
Oct 29, 2023

Thank you for the feedback. It is clear BIEPA's progress is meeting very largely with approval from members. We will create a survey in the new year for members' suggestions and input prior to the next step in our strategic planning.


Unknown member
Oct 28, 2023

Another recent connection is with the Bribie Island Butterfly House, who have donated funds towards the Backyard Biodiversity project. Our shared goals of protecting and guiding Bribie's environment in sustainable directions make this a logical collaboration.

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