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Annual General Meeting 2024

Updated: Jun 13, 2024

Our AGM will be on June 24th this year (a month later than usual) and presents an opportunity for BIEPA members to hear annual reports and be nominated for positions on a new Management Committee.

7-9pm, 24th June 2024 The Garden Room, Bribie Island RSL Club

The AGM must be held within 3 months of the end of March as per Rule 20(1) and 30 of the BIEPA Constitution, and we must notify members at least 14 days before the meeting as per Rule 23(1). It's usually held in May, but this year we're holding it in June to give our new Treasurer more time to prepare the annual financial reports (submitted to the ACNC).

How to attend

See the Events page for more details on the AGM and to register to attend. You must have a paid-up BIEPA membership to attend and vote. You can check the status of your membership by logging in to this website or by contacting:

Committee positions

There are 5 named positions on the committee, listed in Rule 11(1) of the Constitution:

  • President

  • Vice-president (1)

  • Vice-president (2)

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

There are also unnamed positions for 4 other BIEPA members on the committee, making a total of 9 positions. That number was ratified in the Management Committee meeting on 24th April 2023, proposed by Carol Wood, seconded by Liz O'Byrne, and carried unanimously. It fills a gap in the Constitution (which does not specify a size limit) as per Rule 14(1)(b).

Nominating for a position

Candidates for each position must be paid-up BIEPA members, proposed and seconded by two other members, using the nomination form provided below. If you're unable to download and print the form, you can get a hard copy from the Secretary by emailing:

Important: Nomination forms must be returned to the Secretary by 7pm on 10th June.

Completed forms should be posted to:

PO Box 350, Bellara QLD 4507

Alternatively, drop them off with Jenny Walker (who has volunteered to help with collection and will have blank forms) at this address:

36 Spowers St, Bongaree QLD 4507

Nominations received by the deadline will be displayed on the website where members will be able to see the candidates for each position. If there are multiple nominations for the same position, details of the voting procedure will be provided at that time.

If you are unable to attend the AGM, you can nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf. Download the proxy voting form using the button below. Proxy forms must be received by the Secretary via the methods above by 5pm on 21st June.


Referenced rules in the BIEPA Constitution

  • Rule 20(1): The annual general meeting shall be held within three months of the close of the financial year.

  • Rule 30: The financial year of the Association shall close on the thirty-first of March in each year.

  • Rule 23(1): The secretary shall convene all general meetings of the Association by giving not less than 14 days notice of any such meeting to the members of the Association.

  • Rule 11(1): The Management Committee of the Association shall consist of President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, all of whom shall be members of the Association, and such number of other members as the members of the Association at any general meeting may from time to time elect or appoint.

  • Rule 11(3)(b): The nomination, which shall be in writing and signed by the member and his proposer and seconder, shall be lodged with the secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting at which the election is to take place.

  • Rule 11(3)(c): A list of the candidates' names in alphabetical order, with the proposers' and seconders' names, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the office or usual place of meeting of the Association for at least seven days immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting.

  • Rule 14(1)(b): [the Management Committee] shall have authority to interpret the meaning of these Rules and any matter relating to the Association on which these Rules are silent.

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