Code of Conduct
This policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of BIEPA members. Our aim is for all members to have a safe and enjoyable experience working on BIEPA projects. We also need to make sure members don't inadvertently harm BIEPA's reputation or disrupt other projects.
Member Etiquette
We are all volunteers donating our time to BIEPA so it's vital to our success that we're all able to do so without stress or discouragement. Being a BIEPA member should be fun and rewarding.
All BIEPA members can expect to:
contribute to environmental projects and campaigns
be shown kindness and respect by other members
have their opinions listened to
have their privacy protected
safely participate in volunteering activities
All BIEPA members have a duty to:
get authorisation to organise activities or to campaign in BIEPA’s name
be kind and respectful in their interactions with others
listen with an open mind to opinions they may not agree with
protect the privacy of other members
ensure the safety of others when engaged in activities
Campaigning includes publishing news articles, social posts, or other public content claiming to represent the views of BIEPA as a whole. Anything we publish as BIEPA must be approved by an authorised BIEPA member, to avoid sending conflicting messages and undermining or derailing the work of our teams.
Project Involvement
We encourage all members to get involved in projects run by our one of our Mission Teams that contribute to our overall mission. You can choose to help with small tasks or to coordinate a whole project.
There will often be additional responsibilities or restrictions when working on specific projects, so members should ask a team leader about these when joining projects. That includes compliance with applicable local, regional, national, and international laws highlighted by the team leaders.
Termination of Membership
Please note clause 9(3) in our Constitution, available as a PDF for download on the Records page:
The management committee may terminate a member’s membership if the member:
a) is convicted of an indictable offence; or
b) does not comply with any of the provisions of these rules; or
c) has membership fees in arrears for at least 2 months; or
d) conducts themself in a way considered to be injurious or
prejudicial to the character or interests of the association.
More Information
Membership applications require confirmation of agreement to this policy. If you have any questions please contact the Management Committee at:
21 Jan 2025